Popup Widget

The Apply With DaXtra widget can be hidden on your page and set to only appear via clicking on a button. (Or otherwise opened via javascript). This display mode will happen if the widget does not have a "selector" specified in its config.

As with the embedded widget if you want to use the output to fill a form or otherwise handle on your page you will also need to include an "onSuccess" method to the config. Examples of which can be seem on the demo pages.

Example of usage

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://applywith-sing.daxtra.io/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://applywith-sing.daxtra.io/css/applyWithDaxtra.css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://applywith-sing.daxtra.io/js/applyWithDaxtraClient.js"></script>
    var config = {
        locales : [
                "id" : "en_GB",
                "name": "English", 
                "translations": {
                    "Apply With Social Media": "Apply With Social Media",
                    "Upload CV": "Upload CV",
                "default": true,
                "id" : "ch_ZN",
                "name": "简体中文", 
                "translations": {
                    "Apply With Social Media": "通过社交网络申请",
                    "Upload CV": "上传简历",
                "id" : "ja_JP",
                "name": "日本語", 
                "translations": {
                    "Apply With Social Media": "SNSから応募",
                    "Upload CV": "履歴書アップロード応募",
        onSuccess: function (response) {
            //handle response here to populate forms etc
    var awd = new ApplyWithDaxtra(jwt,config);

<button onclick="awdPopup.openWidget(this);">Apply</button>

Example Button Opening Popup Widget


Popup functions

Function Name Description Action
Open Widget if in popup form. If an element is passed the widget will be at that location. Open Widget
Close Widget if in popup form Close Widget
Toggle Widget. Opens widget when closed and close when opened. Toggle Widget